Help shape the future of programs at Cook County!
The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) has been funding community programs since the pandemic. But in 2026, this funding will end.
Those who live or work in Cook County are invited to fill out the following community survey through October 31, 2024. Responses to the survey will help Cook County learn more about your priorities and concerns. The results from this survey will inform the development of the County’s long-term ARPA programs.
We need your voice! Fill out this quick survey to rank which programs you believe Cook County should continue supporting in 2027 and beyond.
Take the survey today and make a difference!
ARPA Resident Voices Project Survey
Encuesta del proyecto “Voces de los residentes sobre la ARPA”
Ankieta projektu „Głosy mieszkańców” na temat ARPA
المشروعات التي يُجرَى تنفيذها بالتمويل الممنوح بموجب قانون خطط الإغاثة الأمريكية (ARPA)
Survey ng Mga Boses ng Residente ukol sa Proyekto ng ARPA
The County is committed to seeking the input and knowledge of communities that have experienced historic disinvestment.
Survey results will be collated and published by November 2024.